Day 1 - Language Connects

Language is an expression for the perception and interpretation of the world and diversity. It can create identity and a sense of belonging and is therefore a central element on the path to an inclusive university. How can an inclusive language be established at the university that appropriately represents and includes all members of the university – far from discrimination?


9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Hörsaalzentrum CP1, lecture hall 1

Fair of Opportunities

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Hörsaalzentrum CP1, first floor


2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Several different locations on the Poppelsdorf campus and partly online

Registration and time period


Wednesday, May 22, 2024
9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Hörsaalzentrum CP1, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5, 53115 Bonn

The event is free of charge

Keynote & Lectures

9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Hörsaalzentrum CP1, lecture hall 1

Portrait von Prof. Dr. Karim Fereidooni
© RUB, Marquard

"Experiences of discrimination at university"

Prof Dr Karim Fereidooni, Ruhr University Bochum

In this lecture, Prof Dr Karim Fereidooni will discuss empirical research findings on the topic of discrimination experienced by students at Ruhr University Bochum. The lecture will focus on the question: Why and in what ways are students discriminated against and how do these experiences affect their satisfaction with their studies and life? Finally, measures to protect against discrimination will be presented.

Prof Dr Karim Fereidooni is Professor of Didactics of Social Science Education at the Ruhr University Bochum. His main areas of work are Criticism of racism in educational institutions, school research and political education regarding migration and diversity-sensitive teacher training.

Further information can be found here: und

"The English language knows no gender"? - Gender-inclusive language in English and German

Hanna Bruns, University of Bonn

Hanna Bruns' dissertation project deals with changes in the use of and attitudes towards gender-inclusive language in the context of recent (de)democratisation processes in Germany, the UK and the USA. To this end, she looks at the complex links between language use, language attitudes, language structures and the socio-cultural contexts in which language is used.

In this presentation, these elements will be analysed individually and in context, allowing a comparison between the English and German languages.

Specifically, survey data will be analysed to provide a broad overview of the reasons behind individual attitudes towards gender-inclusive language and why this topic often evokes such strong emotions. In addition, the analysed data provides information on how the linguistic difference between German and English is perceived by the participants and what specific influence language attitudes have on language use.

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© Thomas Esser

Hanna Bruns (she/her) completed her Master's degree in Applied Linguistics at the University of Bonn in 2019. She is currently finishing her PhD and working at the same university. Her research interests are in the fields of queer linguistics, language change and discourse analysis. In her doctoral thesis, she focuses on sociolinguistic changes in the use of and attitudes towards gender-inclusive language in English and German.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Ted Richthofen

“Trans* Dress and Fashion. Meanings for Dress.”

Ted Richthofen, University of Bonn

"Being trans can include medical intervention to help better achieve desired sexual characteristics, such as through surgeries and taking hormones. However, this is not a requirement for being trans, nor always the end goal of transgender individuals. One of the most obvious outward-facing symbols of gender identity is the clothing that a person chooses to wear. Clothing can “fix us into the gendered space we occupy on a daily basis as we get dressed or [...] it can function as the means by which gender is slipped on and off” (Suthrell 2004, 2-3). In essence, all societies have certain categories for dress that aim to help the viewer determine the sex of the individual, and therefore, what gender role they inhabit in society. The ways in which gender is produced and perceived through a person’s clothing creates assumptions about their sex (Reilly and Barry 2020). Clothing hence becomes a performative symbol for a constructed biological reality. One of the first things a transgender person will alter about their gender performance in their goal to transition to another gender is their wardrobe [...]. This chapter explores the ways in which trans individuals utilize fashion in gender expression, how diverse bodies challenge the fashion industry to be more inclusive, and it interrogates the way in which the fashion industry's strict adherence to the gender binary is to the detriment of both cis- and transgender people alike."

Ted Richthofen, from Denver, Colorado, USA, is currently writing his PhD and lecturing in the North American Studies program as part of the larger Institute for Celtic, English, and American Studies department at the University of Bonn. His PhD and main research interests deal with criminality, gender, and Alcohol Prohibition in the early 20th century US West. However, as a transgender man, Ted is continually interested in utilizing his academic interests in an activist way by writing articles on the side about trans issues. Otherwise, he enjoys his time writing fiction, hiking, and spending time with his dogs and spouse.

Fair of Opportunities

During the lunch break, visitors will have the opportunity to visit the Fair of Opportunities from 12:30 to 3:00 pm. The fair hosts several key players regarding diversity at the University of Bonn who you are welcome to get in contact with.

The following players will be represented:

We are also printing our popular diversity tote bags again, this time in a new design! The screen printing will be done by Johannes Mechler.

© Stabsstelle Chancengerechtigkeit und Diversität


Gruppe von Menschen arbeitet an einem Tisch, von oben aufgenommen
© Colourbox

Why Words Matter in Academia: Challenges and obstacles, policies and solutions

Language: English
Location: Hörsaalzentrum CP1, room 0.022/0.023

Language in academia serves various communication purposes, from disseminating research findings to instructing students and sharing administrative information. However, it's inherently ideological. How can institutions promote diversity in research and teaching and work against exclusionary language use? This workshop explores challenges and solutions, using the BCDSS as a case study. We'll discuss its Antidiscrimination Policy, urging members to reflect on language use, and its Language Policy, embracing linguistic diversity. By sharing policy development experiences, we aim to foster inclusivity and reflection in academia.

Instructors: Imogen Herrad and Dima Al-Munajed from the Cluster Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS)

© Universität Bonn
Gruppe von Menschen arbeitet an einem Tisch, von oben aufgenommen
© Colourbox


Improvisational theatre to learn strategies for dealing with discrimination

Language: German
Location: Hörsaalzentrum CP1, Hörsaal 2

Forum theatre offers a playful and interactive way of dealing with social conflicts and developing alternative options for action. In this workshop, elements of Forum Theatre are used to enable collective learning and to critically question racism together. Different perspectives are explored through interactive exercises.

Instructor: Ana Valeria González (she/her) is a director, performer and theatre educator in independent theatre. Her focus is on biographical, emancipatory and participatory theatre. She identifies everyday conflicts in the artistic process in order to create new perspectives. Social discrepancies and anti-discrimination work are central themes that she integrates into theatre in an inspiring way.

© Colourbox

Language and inclusion - a look at everyday university language life

Workshop on discrimination-sensitive language and developing approaches for action

Language: German
Location: Hörsaalzentrum CP1, room 0.020

Language shapes our view of the world and therefore also the way we interact in our society. Depending on how we name someone or something, we can include or exclude people. This can have a fundamental impact on the day-to-day work of universities. Whether in collaboration with colleagues and students or through publications, language resonates in every area of work at these institutions. This is why it is particularly important for universities as educational institutions to address the topic of "language and inclusion". What does it mean to exclude through language in a university and how can this be determined? Are there approaches to making language more inclusive at the University of Bonn? The 3 hour workshop will attempt to answer these questions.

Instructor: Sho Tatai (he/him) - Diversity adviser, trainer, coach & speaker 

© Colourbox

Hate speech online - identification and action strategies

Language: German
Location: Online via Zoom

The internet and social media offer many advantages that we utilise in our everyday lives, but we also encounter discrimination, hate comments, disinformation and conspiracy narratives on a daily basis. But what can we do about it? How can we recognise digital violence and actively counter it?

The workshop aims to raise participants' awareness of hate speech online and equip them with arguments, tools and knowledge to identify hate speech and discriminatory behaviour online and to learn about different strategies for action and dealing with it. The workshop then aims to empower participants to counter digital hate speech and thus develop digital and analogue moral courage.

Instructors: Patricia Oulehla, Friederike Hobein (Trainers for political education)

© Colourbox

Fundamentals of anti-bias education with a focus on ‘ableism’

Language: German
Location: Hörsaalzentrum CP1, room 0.021 and Online via Zoom

Universities are not discrimination-free spaces. Anti-discrimination and social inclusion are not automatically a given when a university serves students from different nations. The various forms of discrimination, including ableism, are systemic problems and not just a series of incidents. We are all confronted with this issue - whether as perpetrators or victims, as teachers or as students.

The concept of anti-bias education offers a constructive way of dealing with overt and covert prejudice and discrimination mechanisms. It is a political and action-orientated strategy that focuses on various forms of discrimination and their interaction with individuals or population groups, which can be based on disability, ethnicity, economic class, gender, age, sexual orientation and religion (intersectionality). The critical examination of attitudes, power and ideologies of superiority and inferiority plays a central role here.

After a brief basic introduction to the anti-bias approach, the interactive workshop will focus on the topic of ‘ableism’ and discrimination-sensitive language and strategies for dealing with discriminatory statements and actions.

Instructor: Dr. phil. Prasad Reddy, ZSIMT (Zentrum für soziale Inklusion, Migration und Teilhabe)

Contact and Organisation

Avatar Lindenberg

Julia Lindenberg

Project Coordination Inclusion and Participation

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Avatar Salbert

Naomi Salbert

Advisor for Protection against Discrimination

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Avatar Jokela

Jukka Jokela

Advisor for Protection against Discrimination

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

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