Retrospective Diversity Days 2024
To mark the German Diversity Day, the Vice Rectorate for Equal Opportunity and Diversity, together with the unit of the same name, organised the third Diversity Days at the University of Bonn. A varied program on diversity took place over two days. Day 1 on 22 May 2024 was dedicated to the topic "Language Connects" and Day 2 on 23 May 2024 focused on "Women Empowering STEM".
The Diversity Days 2024
They have already become a tradition: the Diversity Days at the University of Bonn. Over two days, participants were able to learn about language and inclusion and about career paths for women in science and maths. In this video, Junior Prof Dr Elena Reckzeh talks about her experiences as a woman in science and the Diversity Days.
Vielfalt und Chancengerechtigkeit: Diversity Days 2024 der Uni Bonn
Bild © Universität Bonn / YouTube
“Language Connects“
Language is an expression for the perception and interpretation of the world and diversity. It can create identity and a sense of belonging and is therefore a central element on the path to an inclusive university. How can an inclusive language be established at the university that appropriately represents and includes all members of the university – far from discrimination? On the first day of the Diversity Days 2024, we heard a keynote speech on this question by Prof Dr Fereidooni entitled ‘Experiences of discrimination at the university’, followed by two presentations by Hanna Bruns and Ted Richthofen on gendered language and trans* fashion respectively. Afterwards, visitors were able to take part in five different workshops on the topic of language and diversity.
9:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
Welcome, Greeting by Vice Rector Prof Dr Irmgard Förster
10:00 a.m. - Keynote
"Experiences of discrimination at the university"
Prof Dr Karim Fereidooni, Ruhr University Bochum
11:15 a.m. - Lectures
"The English language knows no gender"? - Gender-inclusive language in English and German
Hanna Bruns, University of Bonn
"Trans* Dress and Fashion. Meanings for Dress."
Ted Richthofen, University of Bonn
12:30 p.m.
Break / Walk and Talk at the Fair of Opportunities
From 2:00 p.m. - Workshops
- Why Words Matter in Academia: Challenges and obstacles, policies and solutions (Imogen Herrad and Dima Al-Munajed)
- Forum Theatre Improvisation theatre to learn strategies for dealing with discrimination (Ana Valeria Gonzáles)
- Language and inclusion - a look at language in university life (Sho Tatai, Diversity Training, Coaching & Consulting)
- Hate speech online - identification and action strategies (Patricia Oulehla, Friederike Hobein; trainers for political education)
- Fundamentals of anti-bias education with a focus on ableism (Dr Prasad Reddy, ZSIMT - Centre for Social Inclusion, Migration and Participation)

“Women Empowering STEM”
The second day of the Diversity Days focussed on the topic of ‘Women Empowering STEM’. There were several exciting presentations by female professors from the University of Bonn from the fields of mathematics, natural sciences, computer science and medicine.
Dr Imke Leicht opened the day with a key note on the gender gap at universities and in business. She was followed by five presentations in which successful female scientists reported on their personal development and career paths. Prof Dr Katrin Paeschke, Prof Dr Vera Traub, Junior Prof Dr Ala Bunescu, Jun Prof Dr Andrina Nicola and Jun Prof Dr Lena Funcke also took part in the subsequent panel discussion and later P.I. meeting. In the afternoon, visitors again had the opportunity to take part in various workshops and socialise with each other.
8:30 - 9:00 a.m.
Arrival & Welcome remarks
9 - 9:45 a.m.
Key Note: “Why so few? The gender gap in academia and industry”
Dr Imke Leicht, Femtec GmbH, Berlin
9:45 - 11:45 a.m.
Talks by leading Professors in STEM
- “How knots wind and untangle my career” (Prof Dr Katrin Paeschke)
- “Research in approximation algorithms” (Prof Dr Vera Traub)
- “Key ingredients for success in science” (Jun Prof Dr Ala Bunescu)
- “How I (almost) learned to stop worrying and live the life of a cosmological imposter” (Jun Prof Dr Andrina Nicola)
- “New models, methods, and interdisciplinary career paths in particle physics” (Jun Prof Dr Lena Funcke)
11:45 a.m. - 12:35 p.m.
Panel discussion
12 - 3 p.m.
Fair of Opportunities
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Meet the PI & Speed Dating
3 - 5 p.m.
- “Diverse careers, different paths and motivations. Career building in STEM” (Marion Zeßner, Managing Director, Femtec GmbH, Berlin)
- “Personal branding – the art of professional networking” (Kinga Bartczak, Entrepreneur, Trainer, Female Empowerment and Business Coach)
- “Working in diverse teams” (Dr Nora Balzer, Dr Atie Kashef)
- “Empowering women to start (up)” (Anna Müller, Start-up Coach, enaCom; Coordinator EXIST Women scholarship, University of Bonn)
Fair of Opportunities
The Fair of Opportunities was once again an important part of the event and took place over two days this year. A total of 23 different organisations that deal with the topic of diversity presented themselves at the fair and gave visitors the opportunity to talk to their representatives. The screen printing stand was also represented again and produced a new version of the popular diversity tote bag on site.
- Queer Department AStA
- Representative for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses
- Migrapolis
- Employee Networks of the University of Bonn (BN Queer)
- Representative for severely disabled employees
- Inclusive University Sports
- International Office
- Centre for Theological Gender Research
- Bonn Graduate Center
- Office of Family Services
- Femtec GmbH
- Gender Equality Office
- Matter and Light for Quantum Computing (ML4Q) Cluster of Excellence
- Human Resource Development
- Vice Rectorate and Staff Unit for Equal Opportunity and Diversity
- Vice Rectorate for Sustainability
- Transfer Center enaCom
- Central Study Advisory and Counseling Services
- LIMES - Women in Science

Contact and Organisation Day 1
Julia Lindenberg
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn
Naomi Salbert
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn
Jukka Jokela
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn
Contact and Organisation Day 2
Daina Hues
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn
Katharina Gahbler
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn
In Cooperation with